The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Igor Grishechkin

Foodclub.Itgio 1 apr 2021

New candidates and methods of announcement

This year the announcement of the new 100 candidates (from 35 different countries) who will compete for the title of THE BEST CHEF together with the chefs of the TOP100 2020 will be full of suspense:
Starting from February 25, for 100 days, THE BEST CHEF will announce one candidate per day (in random order) through its social channels.
Stay tuned!

The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Igor Grishechkin

For many, Russian food remains an enigma, enclosed between stereotypes of the Soviet regime and pre-revolutionary romanticised notions of Russians only eating blinis with caviar. The reality is contemporary chefs such as CoCoCouture's Igor Grishechkin are combining staple products and flavours of their childhood with a modern, more technical and creative lens, and in time potentially creating new Russian cuisine as forward (and historic) as New Nordic. That being said; if you know Russian culture, literature, poetry and history then you quite easily can understand Igor Grishechkin's universe. But even if not, you cannot but help being amused by his cooking's playfulness, almost as telling fairytales to a child. "Memory informs a great many of my dishes", Igor explains. "I set out to bring restaurant recognition to seemingly humble traditional tastes and nostalgic Russian dishes from my childhood that have been forgotten. I re-evaluate them to create a new extraordinary cuisine. My cooking is about authentic Russian tastes, only everything is modernised with a new identity and, most importantly, a new optimism and joy."

CoCoCo St Petersburg

Naberezhnaya Admiralteyskogo Kanala, St Petersburg, Russia, 199034


Il Menù

Amsterdam sarà per 3 giorni la capitale mondiale della gastronomia ospitando i The Best Chef Awards 2021

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