The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Terry Giacomello

Foodclub.Itgio 25 feb 2021
New candidates and methods of announcement
This year the announcement of the new 100 candidates (from 35 different countries) who will compete for the title of THE BEST CHEF together with the chefs of the TOP100 2020 will be full of suspense:
Starting from February 25, for 100 days, THE BEST CHEF will announce one candidate per day (in random order) through its social channels.
Stay tuned!

The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Terry Giacomello

Creativity and Taste by Terry Giacomello, the misunderstood genius of Italian cuisine.

An Innovative cousin, where creativity and flavors are mixed together perfectly, Chef Terry Giacomello offer in his dishes a trip through texture and tastes from all over the globe, trying to excite curiosity and stimolate the palates of the guest.

His passion for the kitchen was born when he was more or less 13 years old, when he started to help his mother Wanda in her simple but good Trattoria, there he learned the secrets of a delicious hand made pasta or a polenta made with corn just milled, but he learned also how to work the bushmeat.

Than he moved to the kitchen school in Longarone where he finish his study and after, in to the real temples of the gastronomie, a couple of year in France with Marc Veyrat and Michel Bras, four years in Spain at El Bulli with Ferran Adria, in Brasill with Alex Atala and in the end at Mugaritz with Andoni Luis Arduiz.

In Italy he worked with Sergio Mei in Milan.

From the great Masters he learned discipline, humility, proficiency but also the art of work the raw material, respecting them, looking for a maniacal perfection.

Ristorante Inkiostro

Via S. Leonardo, 124, 43123 Parma - Italy


Il Menù

Credits PH Gianluca Poli

Amsterdam sarà per 3 giorni la capitale mondiale della gastronomia ospitando i The Best Chef Awards 2021

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