The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Tom Brown

Foodclub.Itgio 6 mag 2021

New candidates and methods of announcement

This year the announcement of the new 100 candidates (from 35 different countries) who will compete for the title of THE BEST CHEF together with the chefs of the TOP100 2020 will be full of suspense:
Starting from February 25, for 100 days, THE BEST CHEF will announce one candidate per day (in random order) through its social channels.
Stay tuned!

The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Tom Brown

An accident in Cornwall

"I got into cooking by accident, I was working up the road at my local pub in Cornwall as a kitchen porter, and had fallen out of love with being in a classroom at college. I started helping out making pizzas and doing a bit of prep, and got hooked. I loved the creativity, the sense of pride and the immediate gratification that comes from cooking. Seeing the produce come in, I started to become more interested in the sourcing side of things and the food itself. I liked finding ingredients that were absolutely perfect and required little to no cooking."

Chef Tom Brown Cornerstone #london Good luck chef for the #TOP100 2021

Cornerstone Restaurant, Hackney

3 Prince Edward Rd, London E9 5LX, Regno Unito



Amsterdam sarà per 3 giorni la capitale mondiale della gastronomia ospitando i The Best Chef Awards 2021

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