The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Tom Aikens

Foodclub.Itdom 28 feb 2021

New candidates and methods of announcement

This year the announcement of the new 100 candidates (from 35 different countries) who will compete for the title of THE BEST CHEF together with the chefs of the TOP100 2020 will be full of suspense:
Starting from February 25, for 100 days, THE BEST CHEF will announce one candidate per day (in random order) through its social channels.
Stay tuned!

The Best Chef Awards New Candidates for the Top 100 2021: Tom Aikens

Garden Memories

Growing up in Norfolk we had a large back garden where our mother grew all our own fruit and vegetables. So, from an early age, I came to understand the importance of the weather and changing seasons in growing food.

We grew lots of soft fruits such as strawberries, gooseberries and blackberries which were mainly turned into jams. Saying that, most of the time Rob and I secretly picked them and ate them before our mother noticed. These were treasured times, on which I always look back fondly.

Meal times were spent to-ing and fro-ing from the garden, where we loved to dig for fresh vegetables, which were then taken back to the kitchen to be prepared for a family meal. Seeing things grow and come to life was so much fun for us. Seeing how much we enjoyed the garden, my mother let me and Robert have a small patch of the vegetable plot to try our hand at growing weird and wonderful vegetables. Of course, we tried everything; from different coloured carrots and large squashes to yellow courgette. Few things tasted better to me than eating a new crop of baby potatoes with a little fresh mint all from our own garden. Understanding these simple tastes and experiencing those wonderful delicacies was the start of my own steps into the kitchen.

Muse Restaurant, London

38 Groom Pl, Belgravia, London SW1X 7BA, Regno Unito


Il menù

Tom Aikens. Crediti Muse Restaurant

Amsterdam sarà per 3 giorni la capitale mondiale della gastronomia ospitando i The Best Chef Awards 2021

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